Please translate all terms and mail it to You can send it as word-attachment or mailtext. Keep your translation.txt until I confirm, that there are no encoding problems. 1) month / today / week 2) monthly data limit / daily data limit 3) change language / change theme (causes restart) 4) dark / light 5) notification in infocenter 9) if monthly usage exceeds / if daily usage exceeds 10) limit of month exceeded / limit of day exceeded 11) repeat notification at new limit 12) ignore until / remind again 13) used 14) hint: no notifications while in battery saver mode. allow DataCounter to run in background 15) countdown for month on lockscreen 16) select app to show short statusinfo 17) value on livetile 18) monthly usage / daily usage 19) remaining monthly data 20) change livetile layout: red, green, blue, opacity, transparent, random color 21) close settings 22) rate app, report bug/wrong counter, your mailaddress 23) feedback sent. I reply within one week. 24) feedback not sent. please check network and try again later. 25) show help 26) intro 27) step 1: pin livetile 28) pin DataCounter on startscreen 29) the livetile shows your used cellular data 30) updated at least every 15 minutes 31) sample livetile 32) step 2: set data limits 33) set your daily/monthly limits in appsettings 34) optionally enable lockscreen-countdown (shows remaining data volume on lockscreen) 35) optionally enable notification in infocenter (shows alert when usage exceeds your limit) 36) refreshed: 37) quiet hours: mute notification alerts before/after 38) count network: select multiple networks 39) network selection: name, type 41) your feature request 42) activate notifications 43) show usage per app 44) it is not possible within apps to show or filter usage per app, but you can view app-usage details in systemsettings, here is the link 45) reset counter: every month / after specified days 46) change last reset date 47) selected next reset intervals 48) reset every x days / reset on x day of month 49) hint: maximum interval is restricted to 60 days, because your device automatically deletes data-usage after 60 days 50) feedback 51) wrong counter? DataCounter gets data-usage from windows system. Please check system counter and if system counter is also wrong, update your device or wait for bugfix from Microsoft 52) known bugs 53) no counter while roaming in some old windows 10 builds. now fixed by Microsoft. please update your device. 54) open system counter 55) no livetile update? update livetile now 56) reboot device if also other livetiles stopped working. check battery settings: disable battery saver mode or allow DataCounter to run in background 57) no notification? 58) check selected quiet hours. change notification-limit. 59) open battery settings 60) problem unsolved 61) day 1 of 2 62) autocorrect counter: windows system sometimes loses data-usage and returns 0 usage. autocorrect tries to fix that system bug. disable autocorrection, if counter is too high or after SIM change. 63) manually correct counter 64) autolimit off 65) used data/remaining data/remaining days 66) swipe gesture control Please also translate the following shopdescription: DataCounter monitors your cellular data usage. LiveTile updates every 15 minutes in all sizes: wide, medium and even small LiveTile. With Infocenter notifications: ever lost wifi connection while surfing and wasted your limited cellular traffic? use DataCounter alerts. Lockscreen countdown: see at once when your data plan limit is nearly reached. With data visualization charts: learn when traffic was consumed. Designed for Windows 10 Mobile. Multi language. Multiple themes. Without ads. Without nonsense. And translate the following search-keywords (or if you like, provide some better search-keywords, which you used to find my app): data sense, data optimization, data plan, cellular traffic, monitor data usage, data limit